Getting Tough with Cyberinsurance

I’ve been hearing a lot of claims recently about how companies are starting to rely more and more on cyberinsurance policies to cover them in the event of a breach or other form of disaster. While I’m a fan of insurance policies in general I think the companies trying to rely on these payouts to avoid doing any real security work is going to be a big surprise to them in the future.

Due Diligence

The first issue that I see is that companies are so worried about getting breached that they think taking out big insurance policies are the key to avoiding any big liability. Think about an organization that holds personally identifiable information (PII) and how likely it is that they would get sued in the event of a breach. The idea is that cyberinsurance would pay out for the breach and be used as a way to pay off the damages in a lawsuit.

The issue I have with this is that companies are expecting to get paid. They see cyberinsurance as a guaranteed payout instead of a last resort. In the initial days of taking out these big policies the insurers were happy to pay out because they were getting huge premiums in return. However, as soon as the flood of payouts started happening the insurers had to come back down to earth and realize they had to put safeguards in place to keep themselves from going bankrupt.

For anyone out there hoping to take out a big insurance policy and get paid when you inevitably get compromised you’re about to face a harsh reality. Gone are the days of insuring your enterprise against cyber threats without doing some form of due diligence on the setup. You’re going to have to prove you did everything you could to prevent this from happening before you get to collect. And if you’ve ever filed an insurance claim for a car or a house you know that it can take weeks for them to investigate everything to find out if there is a way for them to not pay out.

There is a very reasonable chance your policy will exclude certain conditions that could have easily been prevented. It would be potentially embarrassing for your executives to find out you are unable to collect on an insurance policy because it specifically doesn’t cover social engineering or business email compromise (BEC).

Getting Ahead of the Insurance Game

How can you prevent this from happening? What steps can you take today to make sure you’re not going to find yourself on the losing end of a security incident?

  1. Check Your Coverage – It’s boring and reads like stereo instructions but you really do need to check your insurance policy completely, especially the parts that mention things that are specifically excluded from coverage. You need to know what isn’t going to be covered in a breach and have a response for those things. You need to know how to respond in areas that are potential weak points and be ready to confirm that you didn’t end up getting attacked there.
  2. Look for Suggestions From the Insurer – I know people that will only buy cars based on safety reports from industry groups. They’d rather have something less flashy or cool in favor of a car that is going to keep them protected in the event of an accident. The insurance companies love to publish those reports because it means that more sales of those cars means smaller payouts on claims. Likewise, more companies that provide cyberinsurance are starting to publish lists of software that they would encourage or outright require in an organization in order to have coverage or be eligible for a payout. If your company has such a list you should really get it and make sure you’ve checked the boxes. You don’t want to find yourself in a situation where one missed avenue of attack cost you the whole policy.
  3. Make Sure Your Reports Are Working – In the event that everything does go wrong you’re going to need to provide proof to people that you did all you could to prevent it. That means logs and incident reports and even more data about what went wrong and when. You don’t want to go and pull up that reporting data after the worst day of your cybersecurity life only to find the reporting system hasn’t been working properly for months. Then you’re not only behind on getting the incident dealt with but you’re also slowing down the potential recovery on the policy. The insurance company is happy for you to take as much time as you need because every day that they don’t pay you is one more day they’re making money off their investments. Don’t delay yourself any more than you need to.

Tom’s Take

The best insurance is the kind you don’t need. That doesn’t mean you don’t get it, especially if it’s a requirement. However, even if you do have it you need to act like you don’t. Assuming that there’s a safety net to catch you isn’t always the case when that net comes with conditions that could pull the rug out from under you. You need to know what your potential exposure could be and what could prevent you from collecting. You need to be prepared to put new mechanisms in place to protect your enterprise and have a plan for what exactly to do when things go wrong. That should be paramount even without the policy. If you have everything ready to go you won’t need to worry about what happens when disaster strikes.

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